Tag Archives: head-tracking

New Paper: Externalisation with Head Tracked Binaural

Last month we had a paper published in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (JASA) on the influence of large head movements with head-tracked binaural when using non-individual HRTFs. In brief, we found that large head movements helped improve localisation for frontal and rear sources, had little impact on lateral sources and that micro head movements didn’t seem to produce increased externalisation. You can get a lot more detail (even individual subject results) from the paper itself!

The work was lead by Etienne Hendrickx and was a collaboration as part of the BiLi Project. In this case the partners were LIMSI-CNRS (during my post-doc) and the Conservatoire de Paris (CNSMdP).

E. Hendrickx, P. Stitt, J.-C. Messonnier, J.-M. Lyzwa, B. F. Katz, and C. de Boishéraud, “Influence of head tracking on the externalization of speech stimuli for non-individualized binaural synthesis,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am., vol. 141, no. 3, pp. 2011–2023, 2017.

Links: DOIResearchGate